This cat is not innocent but hunts more than 3,000 times a year!

Despite being only 8 to 10 inches in size, the ‘black-footed African cat’ is one of the most dangerous predators in the world. (Photos: Miscellaneous websites)

Botswana: Innocent and charming in the picture above, this cat is one of the most dangerous predators in the world as it hunts more than three thousand animals a year.

Found in only three African countries (Botswana, Namibia and South Africa), the cat is called the “African Black Cat” and has the scientific name “Felis nigripes”.

It is only 8 to 10 inches in size and usually prefers to live in forests where there are large numbers of birds and small predatory animals (rodents / reptiles).

Like many other small animals, it sleeps during the day and stays awake at night.

Despite its small size, it is more adept at hunting African cats than lions and leopards, with an attack rate of up to 60%. In comparison, lion attacks are only 20 to 25 percent successful.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the cat easily hunts an average of 10 to 14 small animals or birds a night. However, it does not attack humans.

Why does the black-footed African cat hunt so much?

In response, experts say that the digestive system is extraordinarily efficient and fast, which means that whatever it eats, it is digested in a short time. And she starts to feel hungry.

Therefore, it spends most of the night hunting to satisfy its constant hunger.

Thanks to its excellent and natural “night vision”, it can see its prey even in the dark and quickly grabs it.

While the ever-increasing human activity has destroyed other animals and their habitats, it is becoming increasingly difficult for this tiny African cat to survive.

Due to the natural habitats of the forest being affected, there is now very little hunting for this cat. As a result, their numbers have dwindled, and like many other wild animals, the black-footed African cat is on the brink of extinction.

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