Nigerians: Break your shackles or live in bondage – ex-beauty queen

ex beauty queen to nigerians

As Nigerians go to the polls on Saturday, Esther Gabriel, a Nigerian beauty queen has urged citizens to elect leaders with demonstrated capacity and ability to turn around the country’s fortunes. She claimed on her Instagram account that past leaders mismanaged the country during the 2021 Miss Globe World finale. Furthermore, she urged reformation and prompt election of visionary, committed, and capable leaders.

As Nigerians go to the polls on Saturday, Esther Gabriel, a Nigerian beauty queen has urged citizens to elect leaders who demonstrate capacity and ability to turn around the fortunes of the country. In a post shared on her Instagram page, the Nigerian delegate at the 2021 Miss Globe World finale claimed that the country has been mismanaged by past leaders. She also advocated for reformation and prompt action to elect visionary, committed and capable leadership.

In Nigeria, there is all it takes to be great. Nigeria has everything it takes to give its citizens all that they need to live, but unfortunately, her citizens denied themselves that right and opportunity through their political actions and decisions.

“Now is a chance to right our wrongs and make informed, unbiased decisions again.” Concerned about the tendency of few voters to vote along tribal and religious lines, she issued a warning, saying, “It is time for Nigerians to either free themselves from the bonds of slavery or live in them for the rest of their lives.”

Vote wisely, vote right, and remember hunger and insecurity know no boundaries.

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