There is now a separate photo and video recording option in WhatsApp’s camera section. Now you won’t have to hold the button down when recording videos.
As with most camera apps on Android phones, you can tap once to start recording, then tap again to end the recording.
This feature will let you switch between the front and rear cameras while recording. The latest update is already available to everyone on the latest beta version, meaning it is ready to roll out very soon. WhatsApp usually rolls out new features to a select few users at first.
More Photo Editing Options
Furthermore, WhatsApp is planning to bring more text editing options to the photo editing tool. This feature was also spotted in the latest beta version.
The text inside images, videos, and GIFs can now be easily edited, and there are several font options to choose from. At the moment, we have Damion, Exoz, Courier Prime, Morning Breeze, and Castiloga fonts to choose from.
However, these will be exclusive to the text editor, meaning they will not be available for status updates just yet. Perhaps, WhatsApp will add that option in the future, but there is no word on that for now.
The new text editing options should roll out to the stable version of WhatsApp with a future update.