USA News

Intercept Briefing Podcast: Media’s Biggest Failures

Few journalists have ventured as deep into the shadows of American power as The Intercept’s James Risen. A Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, Risen waged a remarkable seven-year battle against the federal government to protect his sources, risking imprisonment to defend press freedom.

As he prepares to retire from journalism, he joins this week’s Intercept Briefing to reflect on his extraordinary career with longtime friend and colleague David Bralow, The Intercept’s general counsel.

Recently, Risen has written extensively on Donald Trump and the dangers he poses to American democracy and is working on a new book about Christian nationalism and extremism. He warns about what lays ahead: “Trump has appointed a bunch of lunatics and conspiracy theorists to positions of power and he’s turned the government over to oligarchs, so I think it’s gonna get bad really, really fast.”

And Risen foresees that reporters and news organizations are at even more peril than in the past because of changing public attitudes and the legal approach embraced by those in power. “The wealthy can now use libel law against the press endlessly, not to try to win cases, but just to financially exhaust news organizations,” he says. “In most libel cases brought against news organizations, the other side almost never really cares about winning. What they want to do is impose large costs on news organizations to defend against frivolous libel suits.”

To hear more of the conversation, check out this week’s episode of The Intercept Briefing.

Emma is a tech enthusiast with a passion for everything related to WiFi technology. She holds a degree in computer science and has been actively involved in exploring and writing about the latest trends in wireless connectivity. Whether it's…

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