Over the weekend, Kelsea Ballerini achieved a new level of success as she made her debut on “Saturday Night Live,” a popular late-night television show. During her appearance, the talented country-pop artist showcased two musical performances. One of those was an emotionally charged rendition of “Penthouse,” which is one of the standout tracks from her recently released EP called “Rolling Up The Welcome Mat.” It’s worth noting that this EP came out last month and surprised many fans since it followed closely on the heels of Ballerini’s divorce from fellow singer Morgan Evans in August 2020.
Originally hailing from Tennessee, Ballerini has established herself as a rising star in the music industry at just 29 years old.
Ballerini belted, “Kissed someone new last night/ Now I don’t know where you’re sleeping, baby/ We got along real nice, until I wanted out, now I know you hate me.”
Earlier in the show, Ballerini performed the pop-soaked “Blindsided,” also from her “Welcome Mat” project.” Behind a blue-and-white screen, silhouetted dancers mirrored her performance as a six-piece band backed her. In the song, she added a line seemingly referencing Evans’ new breakup single, “Over For You,” to fire up her post-divorce creativity.
Toward the end of “Blindsided,” Ballerini sang, “Now you’re singin’ it loud on the radio like you’re the only heart that breaks/ You would’ve searched for the whole world?” On “SNL,” Ballerini joined Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, who made his hosting debut nearly three weeks after winning his second Super Bowl.