“Chabelo,” a Mexican children’s comic known by his stage name Xavier López, died at 88, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced Saturday. En Familia con Chabelo, Lopez’s most well-known show, ran from 1967 to 2015, an astounding 48 years.
He wrote on his Twitter account that more than 40 years ago, his own eldest son, José Ramón, had woken up early to watch him (on television). He helped establish a genre on Mexican television of adult comics dressed as children.
Lopez was not related to the president and usually performed dressed in kid’s clothing well into his 80s.It was jokingly speculated that he would outlive everyone else in show business because he performed in a child’s raspy squeak throughout his career.
Jessica Neville, Lopez’s agent, said he died Saturday morning and funeral plans would be announced later.
After being born in Chicago to Mexican parents, López returned to Mexico with his family as a young boy and trained as a doctor. However, he found his calling in acting.
López’s family wrote on his fan page that he “died suddenly of abdominal complications.” He was survived by several children and his wife.
After being born in Chicago to Mexican parents, López returned to Mexico with his family as a young boy and trained as a doctor. However, he found his calling in acting.
López’s family wrote on his fan page that he “died suddenly of abdominal complications.” He was survived by several children and his wife.