Famous Actor Akshay Kumar, known as a Khatron Ke Khiladi in Bollywood, has shown his ambivalence over a video of brutal violence.
Akshay Kumar is often criticized by his fans for making controversial statements against Muslims or by various social media posts, and this time he took the risk of clicking on videos of brutal violence by students of Jamia Millia Islamia, but the actor lately unliked that video.
In this regard, Akshay took to Twitter to say that the video of Jamia Millia Islamia being brutally tortured by students was ‘like’ by mistake. Then immediately made it ‘unlike’ because I do not support any violence like this.
After the actor’s statement, ‘boycott Canadian Kumar’ started trending on Twitter. Users started criticizing him.
Furthermore, A user has declared Akshay Kumar as a cheela of Modi.
Another user said that coward Akshay Kumar, if he like, also accepts.
Another user called Akshay Kumar a coward. And said that he only becomes a hero in films while the university student is brave than him.
On the other hand, many consumers have called the Bollywood Khatron Ke Khiladi a liar. And said that he did not like this by mistake but deliberately.
It should be noted that in India, protests against the passage of religious discrimination law against Muslims are continuing. While today the Indian police broke down. Moreover, they brutally tortured the students of Jamia Millia Islamia. Who was protesting against the controversial citizenship law.