Several bridges and major road construction projects are underway or will get underway in 2025 in and around Salem.
Here is a look at the projects:
Interstate 5 Donald-Aurora Interchange
A diverging diamond interchange is currently under construction at the Donald-Aurora I-5 Exit 278 on Dec. 18 in Aurora.
Construction is well underway on the Interstate 5 Donald-Aurora interchange project at Ehlen Road. The project is expected to be completed in 2027, but drivers will notice major changes there in 2025.
During the first phase of the project, the northbound on-ramp was lengthened, the intersection with Ehlen Road and Bents Road was moved to the west, Bents Road was realigned to intersect with Ehlen Road to the west, and a signal was added at the intersection with Ehlen Road.
Construction in 2025 includes constructing new on and off ramps for the southbound lanes and a new northbound on-ramp.
The project also includes building new bridges — for the northbound and southbound lanes —and realigning Ehlen Road on the west side of Interstate 5 and Delores Way with Ehlen on the east of the freeway. Traffic lights also will be added under the bridge.
Cost: $62.5 million
The rendering for the Donald-Aurora Interchange.
McGilchrist Street widening in Salem
The McGilchrist Street widening project in Salem between Pringle Road and 25th Street got underway in 2024 and is expected to take until 2027 to complete.
The first phase, which includes a new intersection at 22nd Street, is nearly done.
The second phase, widening the street and adding sidewalks from Ford Street to 25th Street, is scheduled to begin in the spring. The City of Salem said the eastbound lanes of McGilchrist will be closed and traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction.
Construction started on the major overhaul of McGilchrist Street in 2024.
The final phase will begin in 2026. It includes:
Widening the street and adding lanes
Adding a center turn lane and turn lanes at the intersection with 25th Street
Upgrading existing traffic signals
Improving stormwater drains
Cost: $50.8 million
Newberg-Dundee Bypass
The concept maps of the next two phases of the Newberg-Dundee Bypass.
The second phase of the Newberg-Dundee Bypass project — focused on the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 219 — is scheduled to start in 2025.
The project includes:
A new alignment from Highway 18 to Highway 219
Widening Highway 219 to add an additional lane, sidewalk, ramps and drainage
Realigning Wynooski Road to meet with the intersection of Wilsonville Road
Adding exit and entrance ramps onto Highway 219
Adding a bridge for an exit ramp over Highway 219
Construction on the current phase of the project is expected to be completed by 2027.
The initial phase of construction completed in 2018 connected Highway 99W with Highway 219 and diverted traffic south of downtown Newberg with a 4-mile stretch of road.
The remainder of this phase of the project will involve a stretch of road about 2 miles from Highway 219 east to connect with Highway 99W east of Newberg.
It includes intersection improvements with 99W and to Veritas Lane and Corral Creek Road, pedestrian connections at Chehalem Glenn Golf Course and Chehalem Park, sound walls, and eight bridges to cross Fernwood Road, creeks and local roads.
Cost: $32 million
Roundabout at Highway 99 and Clow Corner
Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Highway 99W and Clow Corner Road near Rickreall is scheduled to be completed in 2025.
The northern part of a roundabout project in Polk County — adding a turn lane where Highway 99 intersects with Orrs Corner — was completed in 2023.
The intersection with Clow Corner, which links traffic between Dallas and Monmouth, is partially completed and construction is expected to resume in February.
“Utilities weren’t able to move power lines early enough in the year for us to get a full construction season’s worth of work done,” ODOT spokesperson David House said.
The roundabout under construction on Highway 99W and Clow Corner Road is scheduled to be completed in 2025.
Much of the roundabout has been constructed to the east of Highway 99 without slowdowns on the highway.
Cost: $11.3 million
Pudding River Bridge replacement
A Marion County project to replace the bridge over the Pudding River is expected to be completed in the spring.
A skinny timber pile bridge over the Pudding River on Hazelgreen Road is being replaced with a concrete bridge.
Hazelgreen Road between Salem and Silverton is closed during construction though traffic over the bridge will occasionally be one lane with flaggers until completed.
Construction started this year and is expected to be completed in the spring.
Cost: $6.8 million
Santiam River Bridge in Jefferson
Construction on the Santiam River Bridge over the North Santiam River in the west part of Jefferson is expected to be completed in 2025.
The project includes new pavement and striping on the bridge surface. The arch beams over the bridge built in 1933 and the supports under it also are being strengthened.
Cost: $6.6 million
Little Pudding River Bridge rehabilitation
A major project on the Little Pudding River two-lane bridge between Mt. Angel and Salem is scheduled to be completed in the summer.
Work on the bridge built in 1963 includes replacing the timber decking, new deck joints to protect timber girders, and installing new bridge and guard rails.
The first phase was completed in August 2024 and the second is expected to get underway in March and wrap up in July.
Cost: $5 million.
Interstate 5 cameras, message boards south of Salem
A project to add traffic congestion cameras and message boards on Interstate 5 south of Salem between the Perkins Street overpass at milepost 262 and Hoefer Drive at milepost 240 has started and is scheduled to be completed in 2025.
Cost: $4.1 million
Verda Lane bicycle lanes and sidewalks in Keizer
Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will be added to Verda Lane in Keizer to improve pedestrian safety in the area, which includes Claggett Creek Middle School and Weddle School, an elementary school.
The project includes realigning intersections and upgrading drainage.
The project is expected to be completed in 2025.
Cost: $3.9 million
Mill Creek Road Bridge replacement
The 1930 Mill Creek Road Bridge between Turner and Aumsville is being replaced with a new concrete bridge with guardrails.
A traffic detour will be in place during construction, which is expected to begin in summer 2025 and be completed in the fall. The bridge is being replaced with a new one that includes a guardrail.
The Oregon Department of Transportation said 70th Avenue may need to be realigned.
Cost: $2.8 million
Market Street and Union Street in Salem
The Market Street and Union Street project in Salem includes replacing overhead guiding signs to the Marion Street Bridge and adding bike lane striping on Commercial Street from D Street to Union Street.
It is expected to start and be completed in 2025.
Cost: $2.3 million
Abiqua Creek Bridge repair
Work on the Abiqua Creek Bridge on Meridian Road near Silverton has been underway since 2023 on the project that will install new guardrails on the approach and strengthen the piers under it.
A detour around Meridian Road will be in place for approximately two months during the spring while the construction is completed.
Cost: $1.9 million
Connecticut Avenue bike lanes in east Salem
Bicycle lanes will be added on both sides of Connecticut Avenue between Pennsylvania Avenue and Rickey Street in east Salem. Sidewalks and ADA improvements also are being added on the west side of the street and curb ramps are being added on the east.
A concrete refuge also will be built at the north intersection of Macleay Road and Connecticut Avenue.
Construction is projected to start and be completed in the summer of 2025.
Cost: $1.1 million
Little Sinker Creek Bridge replacement
The Little Sinker Creek Bridge on Sinker Creek Road off North Fork Road was significantly damaged by the Beachie Creek Fire in 2020 and is being replaced with an adjacent bridge.
Sinker Creek Road will be passable to the few homes beyond the bridge during construction scheduled to take place in 2025.
Marion County received funding from the state to replace the bridge.
Cost: $505,000
Highway 51, Highway 22 interchange
The cost of the preferred option selected for the Highway 51 and Highway 22 interchange is estimated at $270 million.
The Highway 51 and Highway 22 interchange project, which would add a bridge, access roads and roundabouts, has an estimated cost of $270 million. The Oregon Department of Transportation doesn’t have the money for the work, which would take years to construct.
Polk County Commissioners have proposed an interim project that would eliminate left turns on Highway 22 by rerouting northbound drivers on Highway 51 onto S. Oak Grove Road and allowing them to turn left to the west, where visibility is better.
The proposal also would add tubular markers on Highway 22 to prevent drivers from turning left toward Independence.
Cost: Unknown.
Bill Poehler covers Marion and Polk County for the Statesman Journal. Contact him at
This article originally appeared on Salem Statesman Journal: 15 major road construction projects in the Salem-area in 2025