<img src='https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims3/default/strip/false/crop/3000×2000+0+0/resize/3000×2000!/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F87%2Fc4%2F5418a6ef4361b711e59dd67b83c8%2Fdalit-cookbooks-09.jpg' alt='Shahu Patole prepares food in his mother's kitchen in Khamgaon, India. He's the author of the cookbook Dalit Kitchens of Marathwada.‘/>
In Dalit Kitchens of Marathwada, Shahu Patole pays tribute to a cuisine that has long been considered not worthy of documentation. We interviewed Patole — and are sharing some of his recipes.
(Image credit: Maya Levin for NPR)