Promising review: “I have one dog (lab mix, 9-years-old, 85 pounds) who is generally pretty chill, except he is TERRIFIED of thunderstorms and fireworks. Another of my dogs (Lab-AmStaff mix, 6 years old, 65 pounds) gets nervous about storms, and regular rain, and fireworks, and the frequent artillery fire at the nearby military base, and the construction work going on outside my neighborhood. And I have a new dog (AmStaff mix, 1 year, 60 pounds) recently adopted from a shelter and spayed just before she came home. This really seems to help all of them. I do have prescriptions from the vet for all three of them, but I prefer not to drug them unless it’s the 4th of July, or the weather forecast is for severe storms for several hours, or something else extreme. For regular day-to-day use, these are great. For my two dogs (60 and 65 pounds), who take it daily, I give one with breakfast and one in the evening. For my dog who takes it situationally (85 pounds), I give him two as soon as I know there’s a problem, and then will give one more at a time if it’s an ongoing thing.” —Jennifer
Price: $4.97+ (available in four sizes and two flavors)