The animal kingdom is a wild place — literally. And sometimes you stumble across an animal fact so unexpected, it makes you go:
So I’ve channeled my inner Sir David Attenborough and rounded up other animal facts that will likely surprise you. And if you can’t look at bunnies the same way again, I’m so sorry.
An octopus has not one, not two, but THREE hearts! One pumps blood around the body, while the other two pump it past the gills, to pick up oxygen.
The mantis shrimp has the world’s fastest punch, clocking in at a whopping 50 miles per hour. Their punch is so fast it BOILS WATER!!!!!
Crocodiles can’t stick out their tongues. And in fact, they can’t move their tongue at all! Their tongue is stuck to the roof of their mouth, and helps protect their airway when they’re underwater.
Rabbit teeth don’t have a defined root, which means they have teeth that continue to grow throughout their entire lifetime.
Speaking of teeth, Squirrels have four front teeth that never stop growing. They grow at a rate of six inches per year.
Not only do elephants have an amazing memory, but they actually pass down knowledge of trails, watering hole locations, and how to navigation the seasons from generation to generation.
Camouflage is a vital form of self-defense for animals, but the glass frog does things a little differently. On demand, they can remove almost 90% of their red blood cells from circulation, making them almost entirely transparent.
A reindeer’s eye colour changes with the seasons. In the summer, it’s a golden hue, but come winter, it turns to a deep blue which lets them see different light levels.
Is your mind blown yet? I hope so. Now it’s your turn: what’s the wildest animal fact you know? Share in the comments below!