
15 Messed-Up Things People Who Work In Hollywood Witnessed


“I am a talent rep. It isn’t rare for us to occasionally get calls from clients on set about being asked to do things that weren’t originally included in the script but changed once the client got to set. Most of the time, it is either a stunt they are asking the client to do themselves instead of using the stunt performer or they are asking a female client to do nudity that wasn’t agreed to prior to shooting. Both are easy fixes. Normally, it is just calling the producer and telling them the client isn’t doing it, and they say okay, and the client finishes the shoot as planned. Every now and then, like under five times in 20 years, a client will call saying the production is asking them to do something wild. The most memorable time a client ever called me was when he was on set and they wanted him to manually bring an elephant to climax.”

“That one took multiple days to resolve because it was shooting remotely in one of the flyover states, so I couldn’t show up. The client was adamant about not touching an elephant’s genitalia, the production was adamant it was necessary, and I have no clue what the animal rights people who were supposed to be monitoring this were doing. The client stayed in his hotel room until it was worked out, which ultimately meant him not actually jerking off an elephant.”


Kevin is a digital nomad and a WiFi aficionado who combines his love for travel with a keen interest in staying connected. With a background in telecommunications, he shares his experiences of working remotely from various corners of the globe.…

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